How Do I Start Practice?
Most practices, I stand at the top of the mat. I attempt to stand still but I can feel myself move subtly. I tune into the environment. I breathe. I was breathing from the start, but now I’m paying attention to it. If I want to feel my breath more, I place one hand on my chest and the other hand on my stomach. I feel myself expand and contract with my breath.
I fold forward. Sometimes I just hang there. Other times I come to a half-lift to extend my spine long. I place my hands on my knees and inhale as I lift my gaze and arch my back. I drop my gaze while I round my back and exhale completely. Without inhaling, I pull my diagram up into my rib cage. Look mom, I can suck in my gut. I hold for a four count and release into a normal inhale and exhale. I repeat until I feel energized enough to start moving.
But there are other days when I am feeling emotionally drained. Those days are the days I just sit on my mat. My mat is a space away from my day and that’s what I’m after - space away to collect myself and remind me who I am. I might lay down on my back or in the fetal position. I stay there until I feel some softness. I might hug my knees into my chest and roll around. I may eventually come to my hands and knees.
There isn’t a right way to start practice. Just roll out your mat and step onto it. Let me know how you start practice.