Just Roll Out Your Mat

My daughter Emery was feeling a little blue this week. Kinda expected. It’s super cold outside. It’s dark early. She just started a new semester at school and she doesn’t have a roommate this semester.  There’s just a little bit less energy in her life.

I invited her over for dinner so we could catch up and spend some time together. We had a nice visit and as she was preparing to leave, she turned around at the last minute and said, “I’m going to take my yoga mat.”  Then she added, “you know dad, sometimes I just roll out my mat and lay on it.”

Me too Emery, me too!

It’s just a rubber mat, but there’s something about the space it holds for us.  It’s part of our day, but a separate part. A peaceful part.  You don’t have to move or practice a single pose, it’s still yoga.


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