Build Your Own 15 Minute Practice in 7 Easy Steps
You’re not always going to have time to attend a studio led class. This doesn’t mean you have to skip yoga for the day. A short home practice is a great option on those busy nights where you just can’t get out of the house. Maybe you only have 15 minutes. Good news, hat’s enough to improve your day with a short practice.
Step One - Roll out your mat. Step onto it. Your Practice has begun!
Step Two - Decide how you are going to start. See my earlier post about how I start practice. Let’s just say you decide to start practice by standing at the top of the mat and breathing. Try placing one hand on your stomach and the other hand on your heart. Feel your body expand and contract as you breathe. Do this until you feel like moving.
Step Three - Flow through a few (2-5) Surya Namaskar As. These have absolutely everything. Spinal extension, spinal flexion, core engagement. Does that sound too boring?
Step Four - Spice it up. Add a different element to each salutation. Tree at the end. Three-legged dog on each side before you go forward. Add a side arm balance. Step one foot forward to a low lunge on each side before you come back to the top of the mat. The possibilities are endless.
Step Five - What are your three favorite poses? Do those. Move through them twice on each side of the body. Lunge, warrior 2, triangle, chair. Chair? No one likes chair pose, but hey, sometimes the challenge feels good.
Step Six - Do a few twists. Do a backbend. Do an inversion of some sort. Check back later for more about poses that you can do for twisting, backbending and inverting.
Step Seven - Take rest. Lay down on the mat. Savasana-ahhhhhh.